Community Response Systems

A Computer Based Panic Button Alert System

Business Safety Solutions in Today’s Society are Important.

Business Safety Solutions in Today’s Society are Important.

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With all of the violence happening across the United States, safety and security initiatives are crucial. Business safety solutions are one of the most important security measures companies should invest time and money into now, more than ever, in today’s society. Surveillance systems and buzz-in systems do not provide enough protection as a stand-alone measure.Read more about Business Safety Solutions in Today’s Society are Important.[…]

Incident Response Plan Training Classes Prepare Staff for a Dangerous Situation

Incident Response Plan Training Classes Prepare Staff for a Dangerous Situation

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Incident response plan training classes are an excellent way to prepare your staff for a dangerous situation. This type of training should be at the top of your list when discussing incident response initiatives. There are many safety and security devices on the market to assist with access control and an incident response plan. However,Read more about Incident Response Plan Training Classes Prepare Staff for a Dangerous Situation[…]

Panic Button Alarm Systems for 2017-2018

Panic Button Alarm Systems for 2017-2018

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Throughout the decades, panic button alarm systems have evolved into what is now considered the cutting edge in security technology. Traditional panic button alarm systems can be effective during a crisis situation. However, they require a wired connection to an access control or intrusion system. This limits where the traditional panic button alarm system isRead more about Panic Button Alarm Systems for 2017-2018[…]

School Safety

School Safety

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Having a technology-driven panic button system in your school is a great addition to your incident response plan, which is important for school safety. Since 2013 there have been over 160 violent crimes in schools, colleges, and universities across the United States. In two years, 53% of school shootings took place at K-12 schools andRead more about School Safety[…]

Alert Notification System

Alert Notification System

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An alert notification system is an excellent addition to any incident response plan. Many different industries across the United States are looking for ways to respond to the increasing possibilities of victimization. An alert notification system is the perfect tool to combat any physical security barriers your business or facility may encounter. When looking forRead more about Alert Notification System[…]

How Can I Keep My Staff Safe with an Office Alert System?

How Can I Keep My Staff Safe with an Office Alert System?

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Active shootings almost seem common these days. Along with common policies and procedures such as fire evacuation routes, incident response plans are the new normal. An office alert system is a must since there is no guaranteed way to avoid an active shooting. An office alert system from CRS Notify can help employees and businessRead more about How Can I Keep My Staff Safe with an Office Alert System?[…]

How Can CRS Notify and Fighting Chance Solutions Work Together?

How Can CRS Notify and Fighting Chance Solutions Work Together?

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As the New Year rapidly approaches, new things are happening here at CRS. As you know, our goal is to give our clients the very best security options available. We have recently partnered with Fighting Chance Solutions in an effort to provide our clients with more options for added security in addition to the CRSRead more about How Can CRS Notify and Fighting Chance Solutions Work Together?[…]

Panic Buttons for Businesses are a Great Addition to Any Incident Response Plan

Panic Buttons for Businesses are a Great Addition to Any Incident Response Plan

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Panic buttons for businesses vary in functionality. Organizations often use their current burglar alarm company to provide them with a hard-wired panic button. These hard-wired panic button alarms are usually inexpensive. It is also easier to create an account since the alarm company is a current vendor. I refer to these types of panic buttonsRead more about Panic Buttons for Businesses are a Great Addition to Any Incident Response Plan[…]

Personal Safety Tips for You in Today’s World of Violence

Personal Safety Tips for You in Today’s World of Violence

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Personal safety tips are at the forefront of workplace safety and security initiatives. With all of the violent crime occurring in today’s world, we should all take precautions to remain safe. Many police departments and colleges offer self-defense classes for personal safety. In fact, these courses will provide you with risk awareness, risk avoidance, andRead more about Personal Safety Tips for You in Today’s World of Violence[…]

Panic Buttons

Panic Buttons

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Most of us read the news on a daily basis. There are more violent crimes and terrorist attacks in the news than anything else. Not just in the United States, but in other countries as well. That is a scary revelation in my opinion. Just the thought that an ordinary day at the office could quickly turn intoRead more about Panic Buttons[…]

Workplace Violence Incident

Workplace Violence Incident

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The threat of a workplace violence incident is increasing across America at an accelerated rate. Workplace violence incidents accounted for approximately two out of every six unfortunate work incidents in 2015. Statistics have shown that a workplace violence incident often turns into a tragic event. Sometimes for entirely unrelated reasons and other times for a highlyRead more about Workplace Violence Incident[…]

USB Button

USB Button

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There is a buzz about plugging a panic button into the USB port of a computer to be able to operate the hardware device. Why do people want a USB button? Well, because there is no hard wiring involved. You don’t need to have someone from your alarm company come and wire through your phoneRead more about USB Button[…]

Hospital Staff Panic Alerting Software

Hospital Staff Panic Alerting Software

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Hospital staff panic alerting software is an excellent addition to any incident response plan. Many hospitals across the United States are looking for ways to respond to the increasing possibilities of victimization. A panic alerting notification system is the perfect tool to combat any physical security barriers your hospital staff may encounter. When looking forRead more about Hospital Staff Panic Alerting Software[…]

Why Should I Create an Incident Response Plan for My Business?

Why Should I Create an Incident Response Plan for My Business?

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Over the past several years I have given several presentations regarding safety and security. The typical response I get is that all safety and security training and information focuses on the problem and does not provide an answer. Furthermore, that is why I have always focused on providing answers rather than stating the problem. WeRead more about Why Should I Create an Incident Response Plan for My Business?[…]

How Does Swatting Affect More than Just the Intended Victims?

How Does Swatting Affect More than Just the Intended Victims?

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What is swatting? When you think of S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons Attack Team), one of the first things that comes to mind is a police response to a potentially dangerous situation. Unfortunately, “swatting” has become popular in recent years. In 2008 the FBI coined the term swatting after a series of falsely reported emergencies to localRead more about How Does Swatting Affect More than Just the Intended Victims?[…]

How can a Holdup Button Help Marriage and Family Therapists Stay Safe?

How can a Holdup Button Help Marriage and Family Therapists Stay Safe?

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Emotions tend to be high in a marriage and family therapist’s office. Even though therapists are highly trained for just about any kind of situation that may come their way, there is still no foolproof training for workplace violence. For this reason, a holdup button from CRS Notify would help marriage and family therapists haveRead more about How can a Holdup Button Help Marriage and Family Therapists Stay Safe?[…]

What are Five Reasons Why You Need a Panic Button for Your Business?

What are Five Reasons Why You Need a Panic Button for Your Business?

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A panic button is a great addition to any business looking to be proactive about workplace safety. Below are five reasons why you should consider a panic system for your safety initiatives. A Panic Button Promotes Workplace Safety                    The recent domestic and international events have manyRead more about What are Five Reasons Why You Need a Panic Button for Your Business?[…]

Alert Notification System Software

Alert Notification System Software

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Alert notification system software is an excellent addition to any incident response plan. Many different industries across the United States are looking for ways to respond to the increasing possibilities of victimization. Having alert notification system software is the perfect tool to combat any physical security barriers your business or facility may encounter. When lookingRead more about Alert Notification System Software[…]

Wi-Fi Panic Button

Wi-Fi Panic Button

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Companies across the U.S. are looking for an effective WiFi panic button for their facility due to the increase in workplace violence incidents. Workplace violence has become a vast concern, leaving business owners assessing ways to actively respond to the ever-growing epidemic. Meanwhile, security management teams are tasked with searching for various safety products toRead more about Wi-Fi Panic Button[…]



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TeamAlert is the best choice for a 911 panic button! From day one we knew that if you have an emergency, you need to contact 911. That is why we made sure that with our software and hardware, you could choose which alerts to contact 911 and what is said when you contact them. WithRead more about 911 Panic Button: A GREAT 911 PANIC BUTTON FOR BUSINESS, SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT[…]

Office Panic Button System for Any Industry

Office Panic Button System for Any Industry

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As a small business owner in the United States, it is crucial to anticipate the unexpected, especially where violent crime is concerned. Many small offices would be considered a slight to medium risk for violent acts that are unlikely to happen. However, that should not stop any small business from taking proactive measures to reduceRead more about Office Panic Button System for Any Industry[…]

Desktop Panic Buttons Can’t Be Put Just Anywhere. Where to Put Them?

Desktop Panic Buttons Can’t Be Put Just Anywhere. Where to Put Them?

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Many business owners are unsure about workplace safety and desktop panic buttons. Each workplace has different and unique threats. Many people are looking at a way to increase safety and security. It is imperative that a response plan is in place in the event an intruder has made entry into the facility. Incident response isRead more about Desktop Panic Buttons Can’t Be Put Just Anywhere. Where to Put Them?[…]

How Do I Prepare for an Active Shooter? How Do I Keep My Staff Safe?

How Do I Prepare for an Active Shooter? How Do I Keep My Staff Safe?

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Active shooter training classes are an excellent way to prepare your staff for a dangerous situation. This type of training should be at the top of your list when discussing incident response initiatives. There are many safety and security devices on the market to assist with access control and incident response plans. However, the mostRead more about How Do I Prepare for an Active Shooter? How Do I Keep My Staff Safe?[…]

How Can the New CRS Notify Reseller Program Help My Business?

How Can the New CRS Notify Reseller Program Help My Business?

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Do you have clients that can benefit from CRS Notify and the services we offer? Can your clients benefit from an easy-to-use security system? The CRS Notify reseller program may be for you! We offer packages of user licenses that you can distribute as you see fit. If you need to purchase more, then weRead more about How Can the New CRS Notify Reseller Program Help My Business?[…]

Panic Button Systems for Schools Help Keep Our Kids Safe

Panic Button Systems for Schools Help Keep Our Kids Safe

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Panic Button systems for schools vary in functionality. Most often organizations use their current burglar alarm company to provide them with a hard-wired panic button. These hard-wired panic button alarms are usually inexpensive. It is also easier to create an account since the alarm company is a current vendor. I refer to these type panicRead more about Panic Button Systems for Schools Help Keep Our Kids Safe[…]

Active Shooter Statistics

Active Shooter Statistics

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Active shooter incidents have become more of a common occurrence over the past few years. Since 2008, the majority of these shootings have occurred in the schools and universities across our nation. One of the most recent active shooter incidents happened in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018.  The massacre left a death toll of at least 17 adults and children.Read more about Active Shooter Statistics[…]

Does the Method of Run, Hide, Fight Replace Lock in Place?

Does the Method of Run, Hide, Fight Replace Lock in Place?

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Most people think that the new run, hide, fight mythology replaces the traditional lock in place incident response. However, this method response tactic is an addition to the traditional lockdown.  The idea is to not only give innocent people additional training but also opportunities to respond to a threat adequately.  The response options provide increasedRead more about Does the Method of Run, Hide, Fight Replace Lock in Place?[…]

Multiple Tragedies Have Hit the US. What is this World Coming To?

Multiple Tragedies Have Hit the US. What is this World Coming To?

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There have been multiple tragedies in the United States, just within the last three months. One is too many, but numerous tragedies in three months are utterly unheard of. In fact, two of the five most deadly shootings in modern US history are listed below, only 35 days apart. There is no way to avoidRead more about Multiple Tragedies Have Hit the US. What is this World Coming To?[…]

Workplace Violence Statistics

Workplace Violence Statistics

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Workplace violence is a frustrating problem that plagues many industries across the United States and Canada. The most common forms of violence that occurs in the workplace is of the psychological nature. Though bullying, intimidation, and verbal threats are the least reported, they are the most common forms of workplace violence. Recently, violent incidents ofRead more about Workplace Violence Statistics[…]

How Can I Contact my Principal During Classroom Violence?

How Can I Contact my Principal During Classroom Violence?

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The issue of classroom violence is up-front and center for the children who attend school every day. The threat of violence in schools is very real. According to Everytown for Gun Safety, there have been a total of 220 shootings on school campuses since the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting on December 14, 2012. The statisticRead more about How Can I Contact my Principal During Classroom Violence?[…]

Can Holdup Alarm Systems Benefit Substance Abuse Counselors?

Can Holdup Alarm Systems Benefit Substance Abuse Counselors?

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Substance abuse counselors have nearly seen it all. Emotions tend to run high during substance abuse counseling sessions. Obviously, there is absolutely no way for substance abuse counselors to foresee how any one of their patients will react during any given moment. A holdup alarm system from CRS Notify is an absolute must for anyRead more about Can Holdup Alarm Systems Benefit Substance Abuse Counselors?[…]

10 Steps on How to Handle A Mean Customer Checklist

10 Steps on How to Handle A Mean Customer Checklist

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Anyone in a customer-facing job has dealt with a mean customer at one point or another. Unfortunately, mean customers are part of the job description. Many times, mean customers want to let off steam about a bad experience, and unfortunately the customer service worker is at the receiving end. How should the customer service repRead more about 10 Steps on How to Handle A Mean Customer Checklist[…]

Top 10 Steps on How to protect Myself at Work.

Top 10 Steps on How to protect Myself at Work.

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Many working Americans do not feel safe at work these days. Considering that 15% of all fatal workplace injuries were due to violence were due to violence in 2015, American workers have something to be concerned about every single day. There are many ways to arm employees with information to lower their chances of victimizationRead more about Top 10 Steps on How to protect Myself at Work.[…]

What systems are the “Save All” solutions to safety and security?

What systems are the “Save All” solutions to safety and security?

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What systems are the “Save All” solutions for safety and security in today’s society? Well, sadly, there is not any single solution that can fill this “Unicorn” myth. In an active crisis situation, you cannot rely on just technology, or incident response training. These are not meant to stand alone as your only security barrier. MoreRead more about What systems are the “Save All” solutions to safety and security?[…]

An Active Shooter Enters Your Business. How Do You Respond?

An Active Shooter Enters Your Business. How Do You Respond?

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An active shooter is an individual set on killing or attempting to kill several people in a confined and populated area. Shooter situations are often unstable and escalate quickly. Also, shooters rarely follow a distinct pattern or method to their selection of victims. These types of crisis are usually over within 10-15 minutes before law enforcementRead more about An Active Shooter Enters Your Business. How Do You Respond?[…]

What are Five Reasons Why USB Panic Buttons Work for Any Business?

What are Five Reasons Why USB Panic Buttons Work for Any Business?

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It’s unfortunate that recent events are showing a need for increased security initiatives. In the business world, security initiatives take resources away from regular business costs. This cuts into company profits. Enacting additional security measures becomes more of a nuisance than a help. These security measures commonly result in an organization having to change theRead more about What are Five Reasons Why USB Panic Buttons Work for Any Business?[…]

How Can I Handle a Disruptive Student in the Classroom?

How Can I Handle a Disruptive Student in the Classroom?

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Having a disruptive student is an unfortunate reality for teachers. It is something that all teachers have to work through, whether they like it or not. How can a teacher call for backup when a student becomes so disruptive that it interrupts the actual teaching? A duress button from CRS Notify helps teachers quickly getRead more about How Can I Handle a Disruptive Student in the Classroom?[…]

Violent Crime in the United States Today Warrants Proactive Solutions.

Violent Crime in the United States Today Warrants Proactive Solutions.

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The ferocity of violent crime in today’s society has made communities all across the U.S. feel unsafe. These days, Americans are more likely to worry about international terrorism than troubles here in the heart of the United States.  Over the last decade, the chaos in Afghanistan and Iraq appear to have displaced any residual fears about domestic crimeRead more about Violent Crime in the United States Today Warrants Proactive Solutions.[…]

How do I Prepare My Staff for an Active Crisis?

How do I Prepare My Staff for an Active Crisis?

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Active crisis training classes are an excellent way to prepare your staff for a dangerous situation. This type of training should be at the top of your list when discussing incident response initiatives. There are many safety and security devices on the market to assist with access control and incident response plans. However, the mostRead more about How do I Prepare My Staff for an Active Crisis?[…]

How to Handle an Angry Customer at the Water Board

How to Handle an Angry Customer at the Water Board

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One often overlooked occupation for workplace violence is the water board. Strong emotions during difficult times are not uncommon occurrences to be seen at the water board. For this reason, it is essential for a silent alarm for the water board to supplement any incident response plan in a water board. Why Use a SilentRead more about How to Handle an Angry Customer at the Water Board[…]

How to Handle an Angry Customer at the Electric Board

How to Handle an Angry Customer at the Electric Board

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One often overlooked occupation for workplace violence is the electric board. Strong emotions during difficult times are not uncommon occurrences to be seen in the electric board. For this reason, it is essential for a silent alarm for the electric board to supplement any incident response plan in an electric board. Why Use a SilentRead more about How to Handle an Angry Customer at the Electric Board[…]

Active Shooter Notification App

Active Shooter Notification App

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Many companies are looking for an active shooter notification app for their facility, because of the violence we are experiencing in America today. Global and domestic terrorism is a huge problem, and companies are looking for ways to actively respond. Many companies are buying security products online and out of security magazines. Corporate management teams purchase metalRead more about Active Shooter Notification App[…]

How can School Psychologists Safely Use a Holdup Button System?

How can School Psychologists Safely Use a Holdup Button System?

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School psychologists tend to see a lot of emotions running high during their everyday work. School psychologists are highly trained for just about any kind of situation that may come their way, though there is no foolproof training for workplace violence. For this reason, a holdup button system from CRS Notify would help school psychologistsRead more about How can School Psychologists Safely Use a Holdup Button System?[…]

Silent Panic Button: Simple Setup and Easy to Use

Silent Panic Button: Simple Setup and Easy to Use

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Silent panic button systems are a safety feature that is in high demand for many businesses. Managers and business owners across the country are altering their stance on the way they look at security. Many companies are utilizing technology to help make their facilities safer for employees. When shopping for the perfect panic button to fitRead more about Silent Panic Button: Simple Setup and Easy to Use[…]

Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence

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Workplace Violence is Happening all Across America Workplace violence is defined as the threat of violence, harassment, intimidation or other threatening behavior against a worker or employee. CRS Notify can help you with workplace violence. Over 2 million American workers are subjected to workplace violence every year. It can occur on a business’s property, orRead more about Workplace Violence[…]

Receptionist Safety Procedure Checklist for any Industry

Receptionist Safety Procedure Checklist for any Industry

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A receptionist safety procedure checklist is important because receptionists are usually the first person that visitors see when they enter your facility. Your company counts on the receptionist to handle anything that comes through the front door. A receptionist juggles many tough responsibilities throughout each day. One of the most important is serving as a “watch person”Read more about Receptionist Safety Procedure Checklist for any Industry[…]

Workplace Panic Button

Workplace Panic Button

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A workplace panic button has become one of the top priorities in the security world. Technology-driven panic button systems have specific functions that traditional hard-wired panic buttons do not possess. For instance, an agitated criminal enters your facility and catches an unsuspecting victim off guard. There is no certainty that the traditional device is functional enough to send out the alert to responders because no confirmation is given that the alert was received. Furthermore, the victim may not be able to access a phone to call responders of the potential threat, either. This level of vulnerability leaves your employees and your facility unprotected. A workplace panic button from CRS Notify fills in the gaps where many traditional panic buttons may fall short.

Read more about Workplace Panic Button

Panic Software

Panic Software

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A panic software option for safety and security measures is a program that is installed on your office computers.  Our panic software, CRS Notify, allows you to request assistance quickly and discreetly from your colleagues and other responders. Many business owners are unsure about workplace safety and panic software. Each workplace environment has different and uniqueRead more about Panic Software[…]

Workplace Violence Statistics in 2016 Shook the United States to the Core

Workplace Violence Statistics in 2016 Shook the United States to the Core

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It is no secret that workplace violence has plagued the United States for more than 100 years. One of the most common forms of workplace violence is of the psychological nature. Bullying, intimidation, and verbal threats are the least reported but the most common forms of workplace violence. However, according to FBI statistics, 80% of active shooterRead more about Workplace Violence Statistics in 2016 Shook the United States to the Core[…]

Violence in the Workplace Statistics and Safety Tips for 2017

Violence in the Workplace Statistics and Safety Tips for 2017

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Violence in the workplace is a constant issue that plagues the United States. One of the most common forms of violence in the workplace is of the psychological nature. Bullying, intimidation and verbal threats are the least reported but the most common forms of workplace violence. However, according to FBI statistics, 80% of active shooter incidentsRead more about Violence in the Workplace Statistics and Safety Tips for 2017[…]

Emergency Communication System

Emergency Communication System

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An emergency communication system is an excellent option for safety and security measures that are installed on your office computers.  Our emergency communication system software, CRS Notify, allows you to request assistance quickly and discreetly from your colleagues and other responders. Many business owners are unsure about workplace safety and emergency communication system software. Each workplaceRead more about Emergency Communication System[…]

Workplace Violence 2018

Workplace Violence 2018

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Workplace violence is not always about work-related issues. Most people assume that disgruntled workers are usually the culprit. However, that is not necessarily the case. As reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in two-thirds of workplace homicides, the attacker has no known personal relationship with the victims. Furthermore, most assailants who are employees commitRead more about Workplace Violence 2018[…]

Active Shooter

Active Shooter

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Active shooter incidents have become more of a common occurrence over the past few years. Since 2008, the majority of these shootings have occurred in the schools and universities across our nation. One of the most recent active shooter incidents happened in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018.  The massacre left a death toll of at least 17 adults and children.Read more about Active Shooter[…]

Educational Staff Security Panic Buttons

Educational Staff Security Panic Buttons

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Educational staff security panic buttons are a heavily sought after safety measure in our school systems across America. Schools and Universities around the country are altering their stance on the way they look at security. In the United States, many education organizations are utilizing technology to help make their facilities safer for students, staff members, andRead more about Educational Staff Security Panic Buttons[…]



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There is a lot a talk about plugging a panic button into the USB port of a computer. Why would someone want a USB panic button? Simple, there is no hard wiring involved. You don’t need to have someone from your alarm company come and wire through your phone system. Furthermore, if you change yourRead more about USB Panic Button: A GREAT USB PANIC BUTTON FOR BUSINESS, SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT[…]

Panic Button for Lawyers Offices

Panic Button for Lawyers Offices

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One often overlooked occupation for workplace violence is the legal profession. This would include attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants and others. There have been several reported homicides and assaults in law offices in recent years. For this reason, it is essential for a computer panic button for lawyers offices to supplement any incident response plan inRead more about Panic Button for Lawyers Offices[…]

What is a Brief History of Security Alarms?

What is a Brief History of Security Alarms?

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Recent terrorist attacks against businesses and schools in America have caused great concern for the safety of America’s children in a facility without alarm systems.  For centuries man has depended on his best friend (the dog) to alert him to impending danger or an intruder. Technological developments have advanced, and the idea of alarms is to repel intrudersRead more about What is a Brief History of Security Alarms?[…]

Workplace Violence Statistics for 2014

Workplace Violence Statistics for 2014

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Workplace violence is an issue that plagues the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4,821 fatal workplace injuries were reported in 2014. Of that number, 8% were workplace homicides. According to the same report, 19% of the fatal workplace fatalities were attributed to homicides committed against women. The counterpart number for menRead more about Workplace Violence Statistics for 2014[…]

How can a Panic Button for Offices Help Keep my Staff Safe?

How can a Panic Button for Offices Help Keep my Staff Safe?

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How Do Panic Buttons for Offices Work? A panic button for offices varies in functionality.  Most often organizations use their current burglar alarm company to provide them with a hard-wired panic button.  These hard-wired panic button alarms are usually inexpensive. It is also easier to create an account since the alarm company is a currentRead more about How can a Panic Button for Offices Help Keep my Staff Safe?[…]

How Can an Incident Notification System Work in Your Favor?

How Can an Incident Notification System Work in Your Favor?

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An incident notification system can provide a level of security to a company’s overall work environment. Productivity is increased among employees and management personnel when they feel safeguarded in their surroundings. With violence at an all-time high in today’s society, safety and security are our #1 concern, while trying not to break the company budget. Upgrading the security componentsRead more about How Can an Incident Notification System Work in Your Favor?[…]

Panic Button Systems for Offices have Undeniable Advantages

Panic Button Systems for Offices have Undeniable Advantages

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Panic button systems for offices are a top priority in the security world these days. Technology-driven panic button systems work in specific ways where traditional hardwired panic buttons are not very handy. For instance, an annoyed criminal enters your facility and catches an unsuspecting victim off guard. There is no certainty that the traditional device isRead more about Panic Button Systems for Offices have Undeniable Advantages[…]

How Can Panic Systems for Businesses Help Keep Employees Safe?

How Can Panic Systems for Businesses Help Keep Employees Safe?

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Panic systems for businesses are critical to all facilities. Everyone is a target for violence and terrorism. What happens if an attacker enters the front office of your business? What method do your employees have to alert others of a potentially dangerous situation? Do you have an incident response plan in place to help protect employees?Read more about How Can Panic Systems for Businesses Help Keep Employees Safe?[…]

How Can People in Veterinarian Offices Stay Safe with TeamAlert?

How Can People in Veterinarian Offices Stay Safe with TeamAlert?

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Veterinarian offices are not immune from workplace violence. Veterinarian offices often see people in desperate situations, so an incident response plan is essential. An under-desk panic button system from CRS Notify would be an exceptional addition to any incident response plan to keep veterinarian office workers safe during their everyday routines. Why Use an Under-DeskRead more about How Can People in Veterinarian Offices Stay Safe with TeamAlert?[…]

What is the World Coming To? A Must Read for Businesses.

What is the World Coming To? A Must Read for Businesses.

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In recent days, the news media outlets have become filled with a growing number of violent images – far beyond what we can begin to imagine. The world is not immune to violence. Moreover, violence has become so ingrained in today’s society that we are left with only one question: How do we protect ourselves?Read more about What is the World Coming To? A Must Read for Businesses.[…]

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