Why Use a Holdup Alarm for Obstetrician Offices?

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Workplace violence in a healthcare setting is on the rise, day by day. It’s no wonder that healthcare professionals are looking for a better answer to combat workplace violence. Nearly a quarter of all nurses have been attacked in one way or another in the past year. There are almost as many violent injuries in the healthcare industry as there are in all other industries combined. Healthcare workers only make up 9 percent of the American workforce. These statistics make a holdup alarm for obstetrician offices a must.

Why Use a Holdup Alarm for Obstetrician Offices?

There are a few scenarios where holdup alarms for obstetrician offices would be useful.

One scenario where a holdup alarm for obstetrician would be useful would be in a basic assault situation. According to OSHA in 2013, 80% of serious violent incidents reported in healthcare settings were caused by interactions with patients. With this statistic in mind, there is undoubtedly an issue with patient – healthcare worker assault. Pair this with the fact that healthcare workers usually work alone, there is definitely a need for a holdup alarm for obstetrician offices.

Another scenario where a holdup alarm for obstetrician offices would be useful would be if a worker in the office needs help quickly. Perhaps a nurse is working alone with a patient who has a sudden pregnancy complication. With the CRS Notify holdup alarm, all people connected to the network would be made aware instantly that there is an issue that needs to be addressed.

A final scenario where a holdup alarm would be useful is in the case of imminent danger to healthcare professionals and patients. A staff member could hit the holdup alarm, alerting authorities of the problem. CRS Notify holdup alarms are connected to 911 via E911 integration, bypassing the alarm company altogether during an emergency. This saves valuable time when seconds matter the most.

How to Avoid Workplace Violence

Nurses and CNAs are especially vulnerable to workplace violence because they spend the most time with patients. In fact, 21% of registered nurses and nursing students reported being physically assaulted in 2013.

The most important thing that nurses, CNAs, and doctors can do is to continue to report the workplace violence. Many times, health care professionals will not report workplace violence because “it’s part of the job.” Other reasons for assaults going unreported is because many professionals do not have faith in the system.

In September 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB-1299, which tells the Cal/OSHA Standards Board to adopt standards that require certain healthcare facilities to adopt a workplace violence program. Up until the signing, there were no states that had adopted such legislation. To date, there is no federal regulation that protects healthcare workers from the ramifications of workplace violence.

Incident Response Plan

An incident response plan is just as important as a computer panic button for obstetrician offices. How does the staff need to react in case of emergency? Depending on the type of emergency, it may not be advisable to hit the holdup alarm right away. In fact, many safety and security personnel will advise against hitting the holdup alarm during an active emergency if it is not safe to do so.

An incident response plan would be especially advisable for obstetrician offices that regularly see patients with limited mobility or mental abilities. What happens when the office needs to be evacuated quickly?

In the case of an active shooter, many places will recommend run-hide-fight. Running from the situation is the first thing that people should do. If it is unsafe to run, then people need to hide in a safe place. If all else fails, fighting the assailant should be a last resort.


It is essential for a holdup alarm for offices to be included in every incident response plan. CRS Notify holdup alarms include the option to raise two alert levels. Our technology-driven holdup alarms also instantly alert everyone within a network if an alert has been raised. CRS Notify holdup alarms can also be directly connected to 911, bypassing the security company altogether during an emergency, when seconds matter the most.

Still Unsure About a Holdup Alarm System?

Contact us for more information to make the best decision for your holdup alarm system.

info@communityresponsesystems.com or 800-533-7201 M-F 8-5 pm CST