Workers should never feel afraid to go to their workplace while only trying to earn a living. Unfortunately, the harsh realities of daily life have many Americans on edge. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4,836 fatal workplace injuries were reported in 2015. Of this number, 703 of fatal workplace injuries were due to violence. This equates to nearly 15%. With the news showing a new act of violence virtually every day, it is imperative for employers to take the proactive approach to allay employees’ fears. A CRS Notify panic alarm can be installed quickly and easily and within anyone’s budget.
What are the Pros to Having a Panic Alarm System?
A panic alarm system is discreet and easy to operate. Most technology-driven panic alarm systems have notifications that let you know that the alert went out to responders, so you are not wondering. These panic alarm systems are easy to install and are not very expensive. A computer-based panic alarm system is much more reliable than traditional panic alarm systems. Furthermore, responders are notified within seconds that there is a crisis in your location. Alert notifications are sent out via, text, email, phone call, computer, E911, and sometimes phone apps. Not all mass notification programs offer every feature. However, most programs have a collection of these functions that they provide with their system.
There is a growing number of technology-driven panic alarm systems on the market to research before making a decision. Having a panic alarm system that fits your security needs gives your employees a sense of security. That feeling of safety increases productivity in the workplace. I have had several companies tell me that they feel better just knowing the panic alarm system is there. Of course, no one purchasing a panic alarm system ever hopes to actually use it one day.
How do you know a Panic Alarm System is a Right Choice for Your Facility?
Do Staff Members Need a Way to Call for Assistance Safely?
Nurse’s stations, HR offices, and receptionist’s desks are some of the many places where workplace violence occurs. Any employee, no matter their position in the company can become a victim of violence. A panic button can offer these employees a better sense of security. The panic button can allow them to call for help quickly and discreetly without drawing attention and putting themselves in danger. Computer-based panic buttons make it easier to contact the authorities when a traditional 911 phone call might not be possible.
Do Staff Members Need a Way to be Notified of a Crisis?
Computer-based panic buttons send out mass notifications to employees and responders. This rapid alert cuts warning times down to seconds instead of minutes. Furthermore, this type of notification strengthens the response time of responders and allows employees to time to react efficiently to the crisis. Once authorities respond to the alert, there is a greater chance of catching the assailant. Through multiple communication channels, the crisis information is directed to staff members. Having this valuable information in a timely fashion can save lives.
Do You Want a Way to Warn Authorities Quickly Yet Discreetly?
Computer panic buttons help to protect employees from life-threatening incidents. Moreover, the rapid notification gives authorities needed information to respond to the crisis. With the click of your computer mouse or push of a button on a hardware device allows staff to send an alert without alerting the criminal.
When Choosing a Panic Alarm System Consider the Facts.
In conclusion, the panic button systems of today are far more reliable than the old school panic buttons of yesterday. New age software alerts systems are also far less expensive and easier to install. When choosing a panic buttons for your facility, step into the 21st century. Employees should not be scared to come into work every day. Employers can take the initiative and purchase a computer panic button to protect employees just in case something might happen.
Still Unsure About a Panic Alarm System?
Contact us for more information to make the best decision for your panic button system. or 800-533-7201 M-F 8-5 pm CST